About Us
“Give what you can, take what you need.” That’s the motto behind the Little Free Pantry, a national project that has now made its way to the High Country. The Little Free Pantry is designed to help those in need as participants can donate and take from the pantry anonymously.
After numerous meetings with local government officials to gain approval of the concept and pantry design, the pantry became a reality on Sunday, September 17, 2017, just after 12 noon, and folks in the community can now make their donations.
US Census Bureau statistics show that for Watauga County in July 2016, 25.3% of the population are considered persons in poverty. That’s 1 in 4 people.
The pantry is located at 130 Poplar Grove Road Connector, at the NC Works building. You can follow the pantry’s updates on our Facebook page: Little Free Pantry of Boone.

According to the US Census Bureau, 25.3% of Watauga County is on or below the poverty line
(July 2016)
That is 1 in 4 people who don’t know where their next meal will come from
That percentage is DOWN 6.1% from 2015
(31.4% below the poverty line according to Access NC)
More than half of all North Carolina children under age 5 (52.6 percent) live in poor or near-poor homes
(NC Child Health Report Card, 2017)
“About 40% of our students receive free or reduced-price meals during the school year.”
(Watauga County School Nutrition Director, Monica Bolick)
Among college students living off-campus, 57% fell below the poverty line, in NC
(UNC Carolina Demography, March 2015)
“My desire in being a part of the little free pantry of Boone is to encourage community support for anyone who needs a little help with their groceries and non-food basics. It can be challenging to know where to go or who to ask for basic needs, especially when they are because of an unexpected expense. The pantry is for anyone and everyone that has a small need and is a great way for those who have plenty to anonymously help out those with a need.”
Danielle Jacques